MetaMask Hacker Stole 41 ETH

On Twitter, crypto investor Jonny Reid detailed his experience with encrypted assets being stolen from his MetaMask wallet. He believes he has a “high level of security awareness,” based on his study of the occurrence.

Despite the assistance of friends who work in cybersecurity, he is still unable to locate the intrusion. What cybersecurity flaws did the attacker take use of? Since then, the only thing he’s been able to do is beef up security measures.

On the 18th of May, Jonny Reid discovered that 41 ETH in MetaMask were transferred from MetaMask. He stressed that, despite the lack of a hardware wallet, he has been using MEW, MetaMask, and other wallets with a high level of security awareness since 2016. He’s also wary of phishing sites, Discord, Telegram, and other similar services, for reasons he doesn’t fully understand.

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