Elrond (EGLD) launches a new tool to sign and verify messages

Elrond always looking for new ways to innovate. The business has created a system to electronically sign and validate messages sent through its web wallet.

The New Elrond Feature

The digital signature enables complete trust and the unquestionable proof of ownership of a piece of property without cost. The repository that controls this technology can be optimized in terms of security and profitability thanks to the blockchain.

Elrond started Sign Message in an effort to achieve perfection. This choice is intended to increase transaction security by reducing risks and preventing errors. For instance, it has been modified to prevent mistakes when transferring money. Additionally, it could be helpful to verify a wallet’s ownership, to get a reward or other kinds of resources.

Members of the Elrond community can now instantly confirm the legitimacy of their address as a result of this new technology. All of this is done through Elrond Wallet’s web interface.

How does everything work?

Any communication on Elrond can be digitally signed by performing the following steps:

  • Go to their web wallet and, on the left side of the screen, select ” Sign Message “;
  • After that, enter the text to be sent, and click “Sign”;
  • Finally, duplicate the outcome and share it with whomever it may concern.

In order to verify a message’s validity, you must also select the ” Verify ” option and enter its contents. The recipient’s address and the signed message can then be seen after Elrond’s algorithms have decrypted the message.

There cannot be any ignoring the need of security. No matter how minor, each move taken in this direction increases user confidence. This represents a further development in the ecosystem’s sustainability.

Source: Elrond

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