GameStop signs a partnership with Immutable X

GameStop just announced that Immutable X, the Ethereum layer 2 protocol, will support its GameStop Wallet. On Immutable X L2, users can now access the GameStop Wallet. In fact, it will be incorporated into the Immutable X Link system. Additionally, the entire protocol will be interoperable with its NFT wallet.

Immutable X is linked with the GameStop wallet.

Users will be able to access their wallets on the Immutable X market thanks to the GameStop wallet integration. Additionally, Immutable X partner platforms that offer Link infrastructure will allow them to do so. It is possible to connect and exchange using the wallet. In addition to not charging for gas, Immutable X is credited with generating a climate that is carbon neutral.

It’s important to keep in mind that GameStop is now attempting to directly include Immutable X into their wallet extension. Users currently have access to all the functionalities. This is true even if Immutable X’s share flow somewhat improves. However, it is certain that the entire integrated portfolio will be made available soon. The Immutable X ecosystem will also be easier to access.

GameStop begins selling NFTs

GameStop announced its plans to open a marketplace on February 3. Immutable X, the Layer 2 Ethereum platform, provides this. Since GameStop wallet and Immutable X are now merged, it is finished. Customers can now purchase, sell, trade, and possess digital assets thanks to this. This is without having to pay exorbitant gas costs, which are more common on the main Ethereum network.

The American game developer also disclosed the release of a $100 million grant fund. This is done to assist web 3 game developers and, more importantly, to enhance web 3 in general.

Immutable X: Why did you chose it?

It is not by luck that GameStop selected Immutable X. In fact, Immutable X is the Layer 2 market leader for NFTs. It is presently the only platform that does not charge gas fees for NFT minting, and it is fully protected by Ethereum. Over 30,000,000 NFTs have already been produced this year alone, all for no gas costs. Since it is completely carbon neutral, it is also greener than most platforms. Nearly 2,400,000,000 kWh of energy have been saved since the year’s commencement.

In addition to GameStop, the second layer implementation of Ethereum (ETH) collaborates with a number of other well-known businesses. Marvel, Disney, VeeFriends, and even Rarible can be found among them. Also keep in mind that GaryVee helped Immutable X when its Book games for VeeFriends first launched. They required an ideal solution because they anticipated daily hundreds of transactions. One that would exempt its users from having to pay gas taxes on each transaction. By selecting Immutable X, he was able to increase both his profits and those of people using his NFTs for speedy flipping.

Long-term perspective

Going back to GameStop, the business secures immediate distribution on numerous marketplaces by opting to list its NFTs with Immutable X. Additionally, it gives users total control over their assets.

Finally, GameStop should be able to compete with businesses like MetaMask by releasing its own NFT wallet. Recall that the GameStop wallet is a self-deposited Ethereum wallet that, in the words of Immutable X, delivers “power to the players.” Throughout the marketing, this catchphrase has also been repeated frequently, applauding the collaboration between GameStop and Immutable X.

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