Snoop Dogg Is Launching a Restaurant Called Bored Ape

Snoop Dogg, the legendary musician, has announced the opening of a Bored Ape-themed dessert café, similar to Bored and Hungry.

Dr. Bombay’s Sweet Exploration will be the name of the eatery. It will be situated in Los Angeles and will be partnered with Food Fighters Universe, a company founded by Andy Nguyen, Kevin Seo, and Phillip Huynh.

It was touted as a “immersive retail dessert experience” in the announcement. Snoop Dogg’s Bored Ape Yacht Club avatar is named Dr. Bombay.

Despite the fact that the restaurant isn’t a Yuga Labs location, Yuga Labs NFT holders have exclusive rights to use their assets for commercial purposes. As a result, Snoop Dogg’s Bored Ape NFT can be used in this way.

Cordell Broadus, Snoop Dogg’s son, is also participating in the restaurant project. “Food Fighters Universe is linking food with Web3 and paving a road with real-life utility for NFTs,” he said in a press release about the eatery. It’s the restaurant industry’s future, and my father and I are ecstatic to join the team and put our skills to work bringing Dr. Bombay to life.”

This isn’t the first restaurant with a Bored Apes motif. The restaurant Bored and Hungry, which features BAYC and MAYC logo and decor, already does this.

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