The Open Network (TON) recently staged an auction that netted $3 million. TON auctioned domain names like casino.ton for 200,000 toncoins and wallet.ton for 215,250 toncoins at the event. The CEO of Telegram, Pavel Durov, was inspired by these outstanding outcomes and now hopes to “bring a little bit of Web 3.0 in the shape of NFT to Telegram.”
NFTs on Telegram for usernames and links!
On his personal Telegram channel, which has 651,000 subscribers, Telegram CEO Pavel Durov tweeted an intriguing idea. In fact, he suggested that the company put its millions of reserved addresses up for auction. It would create a new platform where username owners could sell them to interested parties in safe transactions, he claimed. The benefits of “safe ownership on the blockchain via NFT (Non-Fungible Tokens) type smart contracts” will be available to these addresses, he continued.
The goal of Pavel Durov is to “bring some Web 3.0 to Telegram.” He acknowledged that The Open Network’s recent sale served as the source of inspiration for his proposal (TON). 2000.ton domain domains were sold by TON during this event. 2,392,002 toncoins were raised in total from the sale. Toncoin is now valued at about $1.30. The transaction generated almost $3 million.
The usernames and channel connections on the network will be sold as NFTs, according to Telegram’s CEO. He claimed that if TON could succeed in its most recent auction, Telegram can too. After all, 25 million new accounts have been established in the previous 72 hours on Telegram, which currently has 700 million members.